
logo“One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” –Malala Yousafzai

Alhumdulillah, through the grace of Almighty Allah (SWT) we have come to the end of another successful year in the Foundation Phase, however this year has been challenging for teachers, learners and parents. With words such as ‘COVID, online, portal, web page, login and logout’ were most spoken, as each one had to adapt to a ‘new normal’. Shukr to Allah, teaching and learning continued amidst this pandemic. I agree it has been difficult journey for learners to adjust to our online platform, however it proved beneficial as we engaged with learners and created a new mindset towards learning and achieving success. Our children learnt new 21century learning techniques through the virtual platform. They learnt survival skills, valued relationships and most important they learnt that ‘less is more’. As parents, teachers and learners we discovered that learning is not confined to our classroom, but can take place in any context.

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Our priority at Al-Falaah College, is to inculcate Islamic knowledge, teachings and good akhlaaq in our learners from an early age. We strive to nurture our learners to read both the Qur’an and Hadeeth whilst also teaching them the values of Islam. Read More

In many ways, Grade three is a year of important transitions as children leave behind much of their Grade 1 and 2 habits and dive into developing deeper academic skills. Take a look at our 2017 journey as we explored the wonderful world of learning through creative experiences… Read More

There’s always excitement in the air with an infused culture of knowledge at Al-Falaah College. Teachers go the extra mile to plan and implement fun-filled integrated lessons in and out of the classroom. Our Grade two teacher’s encourage “thinking out of the box”.

“An integrated approach allows learners to explore, gather, process, refine and present information about topics they want to investigate without the constraints imposed by traditional barriers” (Pigdon and Woolley, 1992)

Alhamdullilah, with our integrated approach learners engage in purposeful and relevant learning. The activities and pictures below illustrate just a fraction of how much “fun through learning” took place in 2020… Read More

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge…but imagination.”  -Albert Einstein

It has been an exhilarating Grade One year. The little feet that took a big step into formal school, are now confident little boys and girls ready to take on their next challenge.  It has been an inspiration watching the little seedlings which were entrusted to us at the beginning of the year unfurl and bloom.

We worked hard…we played hard and we laughed even harder. We allowed our imaginations to soar and we sailed through many adventures. Allow us to share some of our indelible memories with you. Read More...

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