
zaThe best way out is always through.

If you are well enough to read this, count yourself among the fortunate who have endured the Global COVID-19 Pandemic. As difficult and inconvenient as this crisis is and continues to be, it, like so many other things around us - has been a great teacher and reminder.

We, together with our children, will emerge on the other side of this pandemic stronger, more resilient, more agile, and more willing to adapt to change and prepared to accept circumstances beyond our control. We would have gained skills which only a pandemic of this nature could teach in such a short time, so widely and with such intensity.

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zm“Productivity is never an accident.  It is always the result of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focussed effort”

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the world, causing disruption, chaos, uncertainty, confusion and a great deal of difficulty as it upset so many lives in so many ways.

We are all creatures of habit and often settle down in our comfort zone becoming very reluctant to change or do things differently. However, very often change is forced upon us. Covid-19 became a catalyst for change in all our lives and in our wildest dreams we would never have expected a year like the one that just went by which required us to quickly review, plan and implement new systems and procedures in a very short space of time.

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logoAll Praise is to ALLAH and salutations on our Nabi SAW.

The year 2020 will remain etched in our minds for decades to come and many will reflect on the year with different emotions. The globe is overcome with extraordinary challenges related to health, economy, education, social and spiritual life. Allah, through HIS Power stopped us in our tracks, into a lockdown, followed by social distancing and wearing of masks. Through His Power in controlling a virus invisible to the human eye, HE disrupted all the bounties that many of us took for granted. It was and still is a time for reflection and an opportunity for us to re-set our compass to the Akhira.

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